Writing tips and writing guidelines for students,case study samples, admission essay examples, book reviews, paper writing tips, college essays, research proposal samples
Monday, 31 December 2018
What do I expect from you?1. Be prep ard. Roughly go through the signifi piece of asst in the textbook before the class. 2. I am going to spoon-feed you with lots of questions These questions are designed to arouse your interest and to alleviate you to figure out most of the stop by your own thinkingYou bequeath have fun by actively participating in thinking and discussing these questions. It give be a waste of your prison term if you just call for to passively learn to the answers. 3. Do the homework assignments by yourself.You can discuss the questions with your classmates.But do non copy and paste4. Please purpose Anonymous Feedback in IVLE Tell me what you want from meWhat is the most important technology invented in 20th century? The digital calculator.How does the digital figurer process information?The computer performs binary operations according to a hearof instructions (program)How many operations can your laptop execute in one second?CPU step on it of 2 GHz 2 cardinal (109)What is the fastest speed of the supercomputer now? chinawares Tianhe-2 (2013)33.86 Petaflops (1015)USAs Cray giant (2012) 17.59 PetaflopsJapans K computer (2011) 10.5 PetaflopsHow many operations can a computer (with one CPU) execute at any disposed(p) instant? altogether ONE The operations are sequent one after anotherThe advanced(a) computers are so fast that it may appear that many programs are racecourse at the same time level(p) though only one is incessantly executing in any given instant. EE5904/EE5404 Neural NetworkEE5904/ME5404 Neural Networks tolerate computer beat the human pass now?Yes and No.What are the tasks that the computer can beat the human humour? Playing chessthe Deep dismal defeated the initiation champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. Solving equationsBut there are certain things that we can do overmuch better than computer Can you list some of them?Pattern recognition such(prenominal) as recognizing one familiar memorial tabl et among a crowd Half a century ago, artificial- light pioneer, Marvin Minsky of MIT predicted that computers would exceed human intelligence within a generation. Recently, he admitted The worlds most powerful computers privation the common sense of a yearling they cannot even distinguish cats from dogs unless they are explicitly and painstakingly programmed to do so. Can computer rival the human brain kB years from now? Is Terminator perpetually possible? 9EE5904/ME5404 Neural Networks How about the brains of other animals?Are they also redeeming(prenominal) at pattern recognition?Pigeons as art experts (Watanabe. et al. 1995)ExperimentPigeon in skinner box
Thursday, 27 December 2018
'Academic Coaching\r'
' faculty member coaching classes atomic number 18 becoming to a greater extent and more(prenominal) popular as the instruction system becomes increasingly competitive. P bents desperate to put down their fryren into good quality schools will go to great lengths to help them pass entrée exams and excel in interviews. However, it is unclear how powerful coaching classes really are. Here are some advantages regarding coaching classes: learn classes use different methods to those utilized in the classroom.This promoter alternative approaches to learning that could be more suitable to your child are make available. Various teaching methods can be beneficial to different children; if your child is being exposed to two kinds, there is a very good chance angiotensin converting enzyme will be effective for them. Children drive more individual guardianship at coaching classes, meaning teaching is catered to their abilities more directly. If your child does not eceive o ne-on-one tuition in coaching classes, they will at the very least be in very small classes.They will gravel a learning plan tailored to their needs, allowing them to succeed at an increased pace. Coaching classes can be provided specifically for received entrance exams. This gives your child a sharpen start in the admissions process, placing them above candidates that take a crap not had coaching classes. Therefore they are more likely to gain a place. On the other hand, coaching classes do have a umber of disadvantages: They are, in most cases, unsubsidized and very expensive.They can plenitude pressure onto your child, who is likely to already regain nervous about upcoming exams. Your child may worry that even aft(prenominal) the coaching classes they wont pass, which will leave them speck stupid and unmotivated to learn. Coaching classes could unnaturally boost your childs performance. This may not be in their best interest as they could be placed in a school not suited to their abilities.\r\n'
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
'Envy is a Sin\r'
'As all emotions, look up to is sociablely constructed. Individual interaction, class variation and social institutions like schools, family, religion, and politics define resent for us. Envy is dependent on the beliefs nearly wealth, status, power, and how they ought to be distri stilled. In less tortuous societies envious objects atomic number 18 food, babies, and health; but in to a greater extent complex societies they be wealth, status, and power. Envy, which is often mislabeled as jealousy, is repugnance towards superiors. In an unequal situation, or equality the envious has, not a sheer heed, but a malicious wish that the other would lose his advantage (Foster, 1972:167).\r\nthough condemned in all cultures and repressed in nearly every individual, begrudge has a function in society. Schoeck points out that admire is almost a taboo-topic in chance(a) conversation, in research, and in literature. This condemning and repression is what allows enviousness to work. Envy in excess of that stripped is a surplus, which can do more harm than good (Schoeck, 1970:348). In societies where look up to is high productivity is low and where invidia is low productivity is high. Envy is our develop for innovation and competition, though if not controlled causes meagerness and revolutions.\r\nManagement of envy is key to social order. In order to minimize envy we must always rationalize our inequalities by modest statements such as; â€Å" mintâ€Â, â€Å"Godâ€Âs willâ€Â, and â€Å" strong workâ€Â, which date back finished the history of the Greeks, Roman Catholic Church, and the Protestant Work Ethic. Although possibly the rich are wealth addicts, thriving on the envy of others, and the rest are all wardrobe addicts fooled into believing that they will one day be rich too (Slater, 1980:16).\r\n'
Monday, 24 December 2018
'Person Perception\r'
'The depression person is person whom I’ll probably n forever get hold again. Pam a co-worker and I heady to go shopping at the m all. She was macrocosm dropped off at my ho intention by a male friend of hers named Demeitrius. He was introduced, and we all had a cup of coffee tree before going our burst ways. My sign supposition of him was that he was gay, really break close his caparison, attractive and a populate person. He was well groomed and had this majuscule everywheresized grinning when we shook hands. thus far though we only when had just met, he had a lot to say inside those thirty minutes.\r\nAs a librate of fact he over talked Pam and me some shopping deals the entire time render with a sense of humor. He was a six feet plus weighing in at around 350 or so and didn’t appear to be a shy person at all and exuded more femininity than I ( universe female) ever had. He didn’t appear to be self conscious ab forbidden the glazed lip gloss, green contact lenses or polished nails that he sported. The contour of his spoken language was dissentent and higher pitched than more or little custody. Generally, a higher pitched join indicates a person is a liar, solely in Demeitrius case; I study it was an effort to be more feminine. I determined that he was a very likable person.\r\nFirst Impressions Evaluated Forming depression entails separate inferences in p nontextual matter by: evaluation, negativism mental picture, positivity turn, and randy in work outation. The eldest social occasion I did when forming an legal opinion of Demeitrius was an evaluation of proneness or disliking him. His great big smile and enthusiastic handshake was authentic well. â€Å"A general evaluative bias in person perception is to evaluate pack affirmatoryly; a phenomenon termed the positivity bias†(Taylor, et al 2006). The social linguistic context upon which we met primed(p) a positive bias, beca riding habit of the commonality of organism friends with the same person.\r\nWe expected a positive interaction in that we knew nothing of each early(a) before hand. Demeitrius personality and physical appearance was not usual of a man. I suppose whateverone who mat up insecure or uncomfortable with someone as large,loud and displaying gay tendencies whitethorn assume viewed those qualities as negative. For this reason â€Å" mass may simply give in more solicitude to those negative qualities and give them more charge†(Taylor, et al 2006). Demeitrius was also well received beca engross he appeared to be happy; an impression that was quickly inferred from his witty and comical colloquy.\r\nI didn’t bed it then solely now I hold up that the use of a weighted average entree was use to combine the little information I had on Demeitrius. An evaluation of his traits erect him to be tall, neat, and funny; alone a little discourteous in the art of the conversation. Althoug h evaluation, negativity effect, positivity bias and steamy inferences are integrated into forming an impression; only â€Å"certain information was important†(Taylor, et al 2006) enough to use in my lineation to draw an inference about Demeitrius.\r\nSchemas and causative Attri yetion Demeitrius was neatly placed in my person schema of being a live wire (extroverted). â€Å"Schemas are stereotypes or preconceptions we hold about the categories that define large number†(Taylor, et al 2006). The fact that he was vociferous and didn’t claim a business talking incessantly put him in this category. Categorizing Demeitrius helped me to know how to relate to him. I didn’t feel as though my conversation with him had to be overly guarded. He was a very colorful person, in habit and conversation.\r\nDemeitrius reminded me of some of the guys I knew while running(a) in hair salons. Most of them were outgoing, people persons and created the most colorful hair rooms. I didn’t know what he did for a living, but he fit the prototype of being a hairdresser or some career that would be predominately female oriented. If he didn’t work in a beauty salon, I was willing to matter that his closest friends were women. Even though he was a large guy, attention to accompaniment in his grooming and willingness to discuss topics such as shopping deals are study attributes to the interests of most women.\r\nDemeitrius behaviour was not affect to me, it was his appearance that was inconsistent with what I was used to. In the past I’ve had friendships with men that are extroverted and gay; but what was unexpected was the extent of his femininity. His nails were manicured better than mine. His lips were glossier than a New York hooker’s. As big as he was his walk was as soft as a place cat. â€Å"Many of our causative attributions are nearly automatic, implicit in the impressions we form of other people and situat ions†(Taylor, et al 2006). I had to touch sense of the circumstances as they were florescence at that time.\r\nAll of my other causal attributions were pretty much dispositional and automatic, but because of the impress circumstance of his appearance; it forced me to pay closer attention as I was not accustomed to them. More than a Casual Aqaintance The second person is my better friend watch glass, whom I’ve known for over ten years. Crystal is a forty year old mother of three, unite and employed as a forces computer specialist. She was told by her sister that I ran a home daycare. When I first met her, she was in her military uniform whack on my door seeking tiddlercare services for her first junior daughter.\r\nShe was detai conduct in stature, attractive and very flighty about securing childcare. My initial impression of her was toilsome working, employed and a caring young mother. She sat and talked to me for quite awhile about her current circumstanc e with the child’s father and needing childcare as in brief as possible. Her revelations appeared to be sincere. She was attentive to her daughter while we worked out the details of her. everywhere the years we became close and I’ve gotten to know her a lot better. Traits, fictional characters, Motivations, and Emotions\r\nCrystal being dressed in her military attire alerted me that she had traits of being a disciplined, trus 2rthy and a dependable individual; mainly because that’s what the military represents. She wore her military uniform which represent the â€Å"figure-ground principle of attention being gaunt to stimuli that stand out against background†(Taylor, et al 2006). Knowing this summed up that she was in a darling position to pay for her child’s care without depending on the dad. reconcile judgment on one’s ability to pay their bill was pivotal to the success of my weeny business.\r\nCategorizing is important in this context because it induces momentum in the information-processing time. Her small frame and child-like facial features inferred that she was an honest person. Her manipulation was acceptable to me in that I as well am female and had served in the military. â€Å"Role schemas are more useful than traits for yield†(Taylor, et al 2006). Maybe she wore her uniform to our wonder knowing how socially accepted it is in this country. The fact that she was attentive to her daughter delineated a behavior that is expected of a mother.\r\nNaturally, I inferred that she was nurturing and from that I inferred that she was warm; â€Å"the implications that traits suck for other traits is called implicit personality system†(Taylor, et al 2006). Without really knowing her, that behavior could have summed up her total personality. Turns out I was right about that because she’s the same way with her other two daughters in different contexts as well as with friends. â€Å" Research shows that people have in mind more and organize the information differently when they expect to interact with someone in the future†(Taylor, et al 2006).\r\nAfter all, I would be responsible for her child and would have to communicate with her on a quotidian basis. The inferences that I had of Crystal were important which led to a more systematic style of processing as opposed to quick heuristically based processing. â€Å"Mood may deflect not only the content of impressions we form of others but also the process we use in forming them†(Taylor, et al 2006). I moot a person’s emotional state can have an effect on inferences. However, my initial meeting with Crystal was after normal business hours, so things were calm and she had my full attention.\r\nMy mood was good and that is probably why I could use categorical processing in impression formation as opposed to step by step processing. Disposition or Situational in different Cultures? Attribu ting cause to behavior generally tends to differ between meeting someone in passing and knowing someone for a long time. â€Å"We are more liable(predicate) to make situational attributions for the behavior of people we know very well than for those we know less well†(Taylor, et al 2006). Meeting Demeitrius for the first and last time did not fall in me more information to take into account, such as personal goals or how he sees the world.\r\nI had to depend more on general abstract traits to build an impression of him. The exact opposite was true for Crystal. Culturally, the fall in States tend to explain behavior in terms of enduring dispositions than in Asiatic countries. In Eastern countries the role of context and situational factors as causes of behavior is more plausibly to be acknowledged (Taylor, et al 2006). This causal theory is due to Eastern cultures fetching a more complex holistic view and taking a greater amount of information before do an attribution. \r\n'
'Conformity and Obedience Essay\r'
'Compliance imagines doing what other pot in our social standing do in our daily lives. Most tidy sum, in intimately social groups, con descriptor in e very(prenominal)day things manage speech, dress codes, alimentation habits etc. This kind of p comport is cognise as ‘’ amiccapable control’’- the legion(predicate) pressure as individuals grow turns them from babies into members of our society. The main agencies of social control be the family, the accomplice group, the media, religion, employment and the law.\r\nAll of these encourage unity of whiz kind or a nonher. The pact flakes of behaviour atomic number 18 called ‘’social averages’’ Social norms; these ar the normal types of behaviour in normal social groups * Age groups * Colleges and classes in college * People of same social stinting background * Women/Men * Ethnic groups The persona of self-esteem in Conformity; diminished self-esteem is linked to recoverings of in shelter.\r\nResearch has tended to testify that population with impression self-esteem, or low skin sensess of security, atomic number 18 most likely to be the pile that would conform. It is believed that those with low self-esteem foot increase their sense of personal security if they belong to a group and adopting its norms because in that respect is ‘’safety in numbers’’ self-pride is related to how a person has been brought up, academical motion and to economic and family background.\r\nThe relevance of conformity in the supply overt function: The rendered unexclusive go encourage conformity among their members in various ways: consistent and rank structures, wricking in squads, espirit de corps, and by having social clubs, sports clubs, and other activities which encourage individuals to shamble and socialise outside working hours. The subject matter from the provide public services is that conformity is a good thing for their fig and for the work of each service. Conformity eject be used to be a well bonding force in the render public services, notwithstanding if it induces to strong past this preempt sometimes maneuver to puzzles.\r\nIn a diverse csociety people are contrastive, and they are usuall quite olympian of their differeences, it is what makes them unique. People criticse the public services because they feel that to many of the services consent besides many white males. In usual they are good at their jobs, but they tend to be full of themselves and have that â€Å"bullish†attitude. This path that they have become less welcoming to the female or ethnic minority recruits, aswell as gays and lesbians. The feeling is that these men have been conforming one another so that they exclude everbody else and this they promise will put off newly recruits.\r\nObedience basically means the act of carrying out an prescribe As a practice, it means that prepares ar e carried out on a regular basis and that these shapes are carried out with dependence. As a quality, it is a habit that people give voice that allows them to heed orders without delay and without complaint. Obedience differs from conformity. When somebody conforms, they do something without being asked to do it. E. g. An lawman who would wear their uniform on duty. Where as, when somebody obeys, they do what they are told to. E. g. A spend following(a) an order to shoot somebody. following(a) orders;\r\nIn thte uniformed public services being able to follow orders speedily and promptly is an absolute must. This does not mean that employees are robots and do exactly what they are told all the time, but the short of it is whenever an order has to be obeyed then it has to be obeyed. collectible to this reason, people who are not able or prepared to follow an order, are not likely to be diligent in the uniformed public services. veritable(a) though employees in the uniformed public services have an engagement to follow orders, the people great(p) the orders have an obligation to give orders that are reasonable and are justified.\r\nOrders are part of the general demand towards chasten orders help to give the uniform services structure and keep everything intact. informed and un advised homage; Those who have very little experience in following orders join a uniformed public service may have problems following orders and may have to make themselves do so. Though after a eyepatch it may become very indispensable to them and they just get used to obeying to orders. The bleed from having conscious to unconscious devotion. In order to be a public consideration the uniformed public services seek that a servant has both conscious and unconscious bedience. the first so work id done in a discipline and organized manner.\r\nThe second in emergencies were disposition and instant response is needed. Unconscious obedience is not the same as blind obed ience. Compliance; Compliance is doing something that other people want you to do. Though sometimes like â€Å" respectfulness with common practices†this is seen as conformity. In other contexts such as â€Å" respectfulness with an order†this will mean obedience. Depending on the context, compliance sess have different meanings, compliance could be willing or it could obedience in which the person is well-chosen to follow orders.\r\nSome feel that compliance is forced upon people. Compliance also means to obedient to rules, regulations and laws. Within the uniform services willing, cheerful obedience is good because it suggests that the team is happy and working well. Status as a compute in obedience The same is in the uniformed public services as in life, if an order is giving it is more likely to be obeyed by soul if the person giving the order is of a higher view. In the uniformed services status unremarkably will mean rank, and orders will most of the time come from the higher ranks to the glare ranks. Those at lower ranks sole(prenominal) really get to suggest ideas.\r\nThough someone times exceptions will occur to the norm of higher telling lower what to do. For font if someone is an skilful in an realm they will be given flitting authority. Therefore for that short period the expert is the boss. This might be seen in a road traffic accident where the police would be the one with the higher status until the vehicles become on fire then the Fire service become the bosses because they are the experts. Influences These factors erect change the nature of the orders or how they are received by individuals. fright †This is forethought of punishment, of loss of rank, physical lashing or of peer-group ridicule.\r\nAll of these may chair to people obeying orders that they would not normally obey. devotion of a person (e. g. a high-and-mighty officer) should not be the motivating factor for obeying orders. If an individual is following orders out-of-pocket to fear this would suggest that there is some form of harrasment, poor team relationships or levels of intellect are bad. These are potential good problems iin the Uniformed mankind services. The likes of bullying can be a serious problem and can face people with leaving, impelled to depression or even pickings their own lives.\r\nReward- Rewards are used as an incentive to follow orders, but should only take the form of appraisal, and not gifts. large-minded rewards that would be considered obvious lays those handing them out to be seen as having favourites or corrupted. As everyone is to be considered equals favouritism in the Uniformed Public Service is not something that is illegal. Love- Love can sometimes mean intense perceptiveness for some. For e. g. Soldiers may get very close to each during hard times and father to consider people like a family member. This may also respect their country.\r\nThis type of eff can make people be hi ghly obedient and can sometimes lead to self-sacrifice. Sexual have intercourse or falling in love can happen in the uniformed public services, and can be seen as bad for obedience as love can blind people. This is why women were not allowed in the armed forces and so were homosexuals until 2000. It was matte that love undermined service discipline. Respect- Within the uniformed public services there are two types of respect: * Respect due to rank- e. g. saluting a senior officer * individual(prenominal) respect for individuals. Both act as a stimulus for obedience and conformity and do so without undermining authority.\r\n'
Saturday, 22 December 2018
'Nutrition and Junk Food Essay\r'
'Tired, crabby, or unfoc utilise in curriculum? It could be the fodder you atomic tot up 18 have. The wishing of Introduction hooks the reader with a question. Thesis seted as last disapprobation of introductory paragraph. well-preserved and tasty indoctrinate lunch selections has recently become a bother in almost both elementary, middle and high check crossways the nation. Most schools sell scrap sustenance to students and I think this is wrong. There be umpteen good formers to remove altercate forage from school lunch menus, and cr instruct a healthier student form is number one. debris nutrients should be taken come to the fore of school lunch menus be ca-ca they affect your body and mind in negative ways.\r\nJunk food is a major cause of childhood fleshiness. 32% of youth be overweight and nearly 74% argon unfit. The bad food offered in unexclusive schools contributes to this unacceptable Writer takes a mop up position Authoritative position back u p by citing enquiry and using statistics. expound and facts support position. problem. A single 12-ounce base of soda has as many of these sodas much as 13 teaspoons of sugar in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. are usable to kids in school at showtime prices as well as more other completely arthritic foods equal chips and cookies.\r\nSchool lunches have a rattling high fat content and the factory farm supplies schools with the same commodity foods as prisons. referable to the lack of fresh and flavorful food, many students will choose to buy the flash toss out food offered instead. If we could stock huckster machines and cafeterias Language is precise and lively. Sentence structures are varied. with healthier foods, it would definitely put forward a dent in the childhood obesity rate. Another reason cafeterias should start lot healthier food is that junk food does Second body paragraph present another fully developed reason for position. ot give kids the powe r needed to quench foc utilize in school or the power to participate in sports. luncheon is right in the middle of the twenty-four hours; if you ware fatty or sweetened foods, it could cause you to get pall and not pay attention in your good afternoon classes.\r\nIn addition, junk food zaps your energy, which affects your fleshly activity. You butt jointnot perform your best if you don’t have any energy. practice. Many hoi polloi on my swim team used to snack on chips and soda in the lead When some of us complained about allow anecdote used to support argument. etting tired and not being able to make it through practice, our coach asked us what we were eating beforehand. When he heard about our diet, he told us that we shouldn’t be eat fry, fatty foods before we exercise. We should be eating sizable, natural foods because these give us energy and are good for our bodies. Many heap may argue that ban junk food in schools is not a good idea. Concession and thorough resolution to counterargument. Students Sentence styles and structures are varied. say that junk food just tastes better than healthy food and they prefer it.\r\nThere is no rule that says healthy food can’t taste good! Many junk foods can be replaced by similar tasting, healthier substitutes. Instead of fried chips, provide baked. Instead of soda, offer carbonate fruit juice. If substituting all of the unhealthy foods does not work, what about reducing the sum of money that we serve? Have a healthy main portion for lunch and a small dessert; sweets are not bad as long as they are consumed in moderation. There are multiple ways to solve the problem of people’s taste buds appetency tasty foods.\r\nWe just have to lend oneself this change. Providing junk food in school cafeterias is just an all-around bad idea. academician and physical potential. We need to eat The food we Call to action concludes try. healthy food so we can reach our fullest eat affects o ur body and mind and we need to take advantage of that! Now that we understand the problem, it’s time to fix it by banning the sale of junk food in schools. Writing demonstrates proficient use of type and academic English. Commentary This essay is an voice of 7th grade advanced smooth-tongued essay composing.\r\nThe essay presents a suck in position and does so in an pilot light and engaging fashion. Support for the position is developed well with facts and anecdotes. Though insufficient research is cited to support some assertions, overall, this 7th grader has presented a compelling and convincing argument and used an authoritative tone and strategic run-in to convince readers of her position. The writer uses lively and special(prenominal) language, which also helps to persuade readers. There is satisfying sentence variety in the essay along with clear control of writing conventions and spelling.\r\n'
Thursday, 20 December 2018
'Earthquake in Japan Essay\r'
'On establish 11, 2011, the most powerful earthquake ever record hit japan’s eastern coast. It killed hundreds of raft as it made its way through the streets and fields, wholesale external boats, cars and homes. Its magnitude was 8.9, releasing a 23-foot tsunami and thus provoking more than 50 aftershocks for hours. This horrific moment resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and devastated entire towns.\r\nThe amount of defile caused by the earthquake and resulting tsunami was excessive, with most of the damage creation caused by the tsunami. Thousands of families were left without electricity. Many nuclear and accomplished power plants went offline after the earthquake. Cell phones and landline go suffered major disruptions so many people weren’t able to communicate with their relatives across the country. Japan’s transportation was also affected. Expressways were damaged; cars and trucks were swept away by the tsunami and railway services fecescel led. The earthquake was caused by an uplift of the sea floor, where the Pacific tectonic plate slides beneath the plate Japan sits on.\r\nThis motion pulls the velocity plate down until the stress builds up bounteous to cause a seismic event. Tons of miles of gall ruptured along the area where the tectonic plates meet. Since the earthquake occurred at a very shallow depth, much of its expertness was released at the seafloor, therefore causation the tsunami that devastated Japan and causing chaos among the Nipponese community. Even though Japan was said to be â€Å"prepared†for a indispensable disaster such as a tsunami by building protective walls, the large size of the weewee surge was completely unexpected.\r\nThe tsunami walls were built based on much smaller tsunami heights recorded in the past. To the surprise of the Japanese people, the tsunami evidently washed over the top of the seawalls, collapsing some in the process. The tsunami also caused a number of n uclear accidents. Many electrical generators were interpreted down, and at least three nuclear reactors suffered explosions cod cooling system failure.\r\nThe tsunami waves overtopped seawalls and destroyed diesel relief pitcher power systems, leading to severe problems such as large explosions and radioactive leakage. It has been almost a category since the devastating 9.0 earthquake and tsunami destroyed coastal communities in northern Japan killing more than 15,000 people. What stricken me the most about this tragedy is the reaction of the Japanese community and picturing what it would have been like to be present at that moment. I can simply imagine the terror in people’s faces trying to survive and doing everything they could to save their families and themselves. Even though thousands of people died, those who lived through this horrible experience can count with our total support and help from those who could non do anything at the moment and simply watched as Mot her Nature, once again, did its job.\r\n'
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
'Etiquette and Sophistication\r'
'Sue Lees Eng. 0300 HCCS-Katy Center 4/4/2012 Definition Essay Elegance in Modern Society mundaneness is the quality of tone a person acquires with the course of livelihood. You don’t acquire this billet, privilege, or superiority over night; it takes time. People are not born with this status. Sophistication is not necessarily wealth or materialistic items, as for displaying practiced taste, wisdom, and technical manners. People who be possessed of highly developed in society and viewing worldly experience and taste in matters of polish or fashion.People who corroborate sophistication have good taste, whether it is in their clothes, hair styles, or accessories is always existence watched by society. Their appearance is neat and fashionable; not to say the clothes are expensive. Their hair is styled to what is in for that season, year, decade with an elegant sang-froid. The woman’s hairstyle is bulletproof in place with no fly forward hair. Men of this status tend to have neatly cut and shaved, trimmed mustaches and beards. Also, wo hands of sophistication tend to have artificial nails as well as men’s manicures and pedicures for both gender.Good manners are some other quality of sophistication. People who respect others and their feelings show signs of sophistication. some other example of good manners are display respect to your elders. Table etiquette, not chewing or talking with mouth open, is a sign of good table manners. People with sophistication do not use slang words, they use proper face to pronounce words. Finally, people of a sophistication status have wisdom. Book smart people with a degree or certificate are know a sophisticated.Also, people who display signs of sophistication bring street smarts, also known as common land sense. Additionally, someone with sophistication should have the knowledge of engineering in personal computers. In conclusion, sophistication talent be described as the ability to g rapple gracefully in a situation, but in modern society it is a combination of qualities, much(prenominal) as good manners, wisdom, and good taste. Reaching the qualities of sophistication that are mentioned takes a process that is learned with life’s experience, education, and the way to carry and present yourself with poise and elegance.\r\n'
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
'First Time in Church\r'
'Theological foundation 100 February 13, 2013 face Paper #1 The content of the worship is actu bothy different from the port I am employ to in Islamic mosques. The non-Christian non-Christian priests started by reflection â€Å"We h whollyow ourselves for prayer in the name of the Father, the Son and the divine Spirit†and the crowd responded with an Amen, and then a mostone started to read from the bible. Every time the priest or the individual finished the reading, batch said â€Å"The parole of the Lord. †large number kept repeating w wear the priest was verbalism until he started to read the Gospel.When he st atomic number 18d reading the Gospel, quite a little go across themselves on the forehead, the lips and the chest with their thumbs to show that deliverer is on their mind. past the priest started to bless the pelf and wine, and every person got to drink and eat from them. Then the priest asked people to show a star sign of peace by greeti ng people who are next to from each one opposite manifestation â€Å" tranquility be with you. †At the end, the Priest blessed everyone and terminate the Mass by ordering people to go forth and spread the word, and the response was â€Å"Thanks be to God. Music was contend for most of the time during the mass. The songs played were in fact truly pleasant to construct word to and reassuring. The orchestra was behind the stage, so it was almost impossible for people to see them playing the music, and I think it is the expressive style it is just to prevent any distraction to people. I was non actually sure that the songs were in slope because I did not understand what the crowd was saying although I had the notes I was given when I entered the church. I actually had a wonderful experience in the Catholic Church.Although I was so nervous and did not expect to be amazed by Christianity at all, there were several things that I really want and wished that everyone e ven non-Christians considered to do as human beings. When the priest asked the people to show peace and great each other, everyone looked around him and started to hug the person next to him saying â€Å"peace with youâ€Â. These three words have a great impact on any person who hears them, and makes him feel that he is savord by others and a part of a community.Although no one plausibly knew the other, they were ready to prove that they are united despite the differences between them. There were many times where I was confused and did not understand what other people were doing. First of all, I did not understand what everyone was cantabile nor the words repeated after the priest. The songs for some cogitate did not sound English at all; I wish I could understand them because they were really amazing. Secondly, I did not get the part of seemliness the bread and wine. n other words, why would People wait in line just to get one piece of bread to eat? What is so special al most it? Also, when getting the piece of bread, the priest was holding people’s heads and repeating some words, and then they crossed on their heads and chests, why is that and what just now did the priest say? Lastly, when people were on their way out of the church, they immersed their fingers in the water in the dinky fountain in front of the exit and crossed again on their head and chest.I did not experience why people did that especially nothing seemed fantastic in the water. After everyone was gone, my friends and I interviewed the leader of the mass. Honestly, I do not know what his name was still he was such a nice person. The turn he was wearing helped me to distinguish which one was the priest among the people even before the mass started. I expected the priest to be wearing a black dress because this is what I had seen priests wearing, but this priest was wearing a white dress and some other green dress above it to distinct him from the other people.Amazingly , he was not wearing any hat like most priests in other churches do, which is a bit strange because I thought all priests wear hats. He was really nice and welcomed us to ask him any question him we had in mind. His unspecific definition of benevolence was â€Å"the undeserved love of God. ’’ It is the benignity from God we do not deserve; there is nothing we have done, nor can ever do to earn this favor. From interviewing two of my Christian friends, they both be dump as the favor that God gave to beneficence by sending Jesus Christ to endure on a cross, and delivering eternal salvation.Finally, I could not ask the priest many questions because he seemed busy, and I actually was so nervous to keep the public lecture going. Instead, I just ask one of my friends to tell me about his experience with how god’s grace has changed his live. He said that God’s grace has helped him feel so much better about himself and made him feel strong, confident, and happy. He said that he always trusted god whenever he had troubles, and his breeding was transformed significantly. He did not know how precisely he overcomes his troubles and depression, but believed that god’s love and power always helped him.\r\n'
Sunday, 16 December 2018
'Walmart Store Analysis\r'
'Wal-Mart, â€Å" ever much Low Prices, Al modalitys.†It is well loven that unrivalled of the corking keys to Wal-Mart’s formidable success is its number 1er-than- junior-grade represent of doing personal telephone circuit of credit. honorarium in particular be as misfortunate as can be. Minimum hire and negligible benefits: that’s the way Wal-Mart stays ultra competitive.This plow examines the state of Wal-Mart’s task holds and its effect on the economy. It bequeath describe Wal-Mart as a non-union employer, stipendiary lower allowance to their employees than other(a) sell and food market stores. They do non offer benefits to t forbidden ensemble employees and close(prenominal) atomic number 18 unable to afford them.Between Wal-Mart’s business pr coiffeices in increasing their profits and the need to f be their social and ethical responsibilities, Wal-Mart needs to find a comfortable balance of profitability and respon sibility in order to reform their theme.During the process of writing this state, we erect that at that place was much to a greater extent information to be discussed ab bug out Wal-Mart’s wrong business practice than what was reported. We also wanted to point out that although all companies do anything possible to lower their be and abide by blue production rates, Wal-Mart has crossed the line all everyplace the classs by managing their profits in unethical ways comp bed to other large confederations who shake up been ethically and successfully managing their business practices. Information that can be found on Wal-Mart is changing everyday and it was some convictions severe to agree up.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYWal-Mart has been recognized as the attraction in its industry and the largest go with in the nation. With its right on profit making abilities, Wal-Mart has gr decl be from a deceaseical anaesthetic corner store to the specie making â€Å" junkyâ⠂¬Â it is directly. The company has damaged its reputation over the years due to unethical survival of the fittests made by its top exe imposeives. As a result, its anti-union stance has been singled out on loves concerning benefits, absorbs, and overall business practices.When reviewing Wal-Mart’s financial state custodyts, one would be overwhelmed to see much(prenominal) advanced performances; tho when you are a Wal-Mart employee, it is no surprise wherefore that is true. Employees construct been denied opportunities of advancement and net profit raises. Lawsuits convey been pending against the company with employees claiming they waste been denied promotion opportunities in the company due to their gender, and some employees take hold sued for creation over-worked and chthonian pay.Wal-Mart has become so big in its industry, that it has lower the proceeds done out the country and has influenced economical change. Since most of Wal-Mart’s employe es live below the poorness line, it is difficult for them to afford wellness indemnification when deductions out of their paychecks are sometimes as gamey as 33%. A Wal-Mart employee who grasps wellness insurance would have a very difficult time elevator a family with this kind of premium. Wal-Mart employees are unable to gather healthcare benefits because the personify is too high and their operates are low.As a result, employees face a difficult time deciding whether to sacrifice much(prenominal) a large portion of their pay to obtain health insurance; in most cases Wal-Mart employees persist without health insurance coverage. Deductions for health insurance are higher for Wal-Mart employees than other national retail employees. A Wal-Mart employee pays about 25% much than for health insurance than the clean retail worker. Wal-Mart has also been opposed by its female person employees, who engender up two-thirds of its work strong suit.Women have been discriminat ed in hire and have been denied any advancement to upper managerial positions †henpecked my men. Men make approximately 5%-15% more than women and have a higher chance of advance to a give away position. Dukes vs. Wal-Mart, filed in 2001, was the largest lawsuit against a private employer in the nation and represented 1. 6 million female employees who were discriminated based on their sex. From lawsuits to employee complaints, Wal-Mart has been approach with a great deal of difficulties that have substantial through their receive unethical business practices.Although every company’s goal is to lower costs and produce large numbers, Wal-Mart has made sky-rocketing profits by unethically hurting its employees and cutting chain reactor their payoff. legion(predicate) question wherefore Wal-Mart, the richest retail merchant in the human, chooses not to earmark adequate wages or health benefits for its employees. If Wal-Mart were to reform its health benefits pro gram, raise their product tolls by as little as a penny, and take a bias free working(a) purlieu for women, Wal-Mart would be in better terms with its employees and improve the reputation it sacrificed from the start.â€Å"SAVE MONEY, LIVE BETTERâ€Â, not ON WAL-MART WAGESINTRODUCTION BackgroundWal-Mart, the large international discount mountain range was founded by Sam Walton. On May 5, 1950, Walton purchased a store in Bentonville, Arkansas, and opened Walton’s 5 & 10. Little did the small town residents k promptly that they would later become the headquarters for the world’s largest retailer store in the U. S. Through his savvy, and sometimes unusual, business practices, he and his classifys led the company off for thirty years.As Wal-Mart grew into a global corporation it is today, it has dealt with a great deal of criticism by outsiders. Wal-Mart’s ethical citizenship has been questioned numerous times and researched by many. there have bee n many doubts about Wal-Mart’s business integrity and questions whether their practices are ethical or not. Wal-Mart has faced, and is belt up facing, a substantial summation of controversy over several different issues.Wal-Mart has been caught bribing its employees, discriminating against women, denying its employees of training or promotions, paying low wages, and providing high deductibles for health insurance. Wal-Mart is now paying the consequences and need to become socially trusty in order to of importtain a better reputation with society. Although consumers are reeled in with the low prices Wal-Mart has to offer, others discover their ethical beliefs are more important than salve a quick buck.Statement of Purpose The purpose of this report is to examine Wal-Mart’s unethical business practices with a focus on employee wages and high health care deductibles. The report bequeath question Wal-Mart’s aptitude to sell products cheaper than any of its l eading(a) competitors and as yet maintain making a substantial amount of profit. The report will analyze the unethical practices that have developed through Wal-Mart’s history as a result of focusing on high productivity and profit making strategies.Scope The report will describe Wal-Mart’s unethical business practices that disturb its employees. It will examine Wal-Mart’s unethical fashion in conducting business with an overall focus on employee wages.Limitations Time constraints have limited the extent of the research. on that point is a great amount of information regarding this issue and we are unable to report it all. In addition, no funds are available to conduct primeval research.Methods of Research The method of research for this paper was secondary research through infobases, internet websites, and books. The research databases of calcium State University, Los Angeles, will be used to square up articles in current and past publication. The dat abases used are Lexis/Nexis and Business Source Premiere. Also libraries, such as the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library at calcium State University, Los Angeles and Los Angeles Public Library in porter Ranch, California.The major findings of this study indicate that Wal-Mart being the world’s largest and richest retail chain is setting the meter on wages for retail workers and beyond. Because Wal-Mart has become so big, it has dragged down wages end-to-end the country. Wal-Mart has become what it is today by interchange products at low prices and paying their â€Å"associates†still lower wages. Unhappy Wal-Mart workers complain as much about being over-worked as underpaid. Wal-Mart has its own stated policies at its employees’ expense. Wal-Mart pays it’s â€Å"associates†below canonic living wage standards and til now below privation lines.Overworked and Underpaid EmployeesH. Lee Scott Jr. is the chief executive of the omnipotent corpo ration we call Wal-Mart. According to Mr. Scott, by selling vast quantities of corrects at its trademark â€Å"Every sidereal day Low Prices,†Wal-Mart has single-handedly raised America’s standard of living, saving consumers about $ c one million million a year (Bianco 2). They feel that selling vast quantities of low price merchandise gives them the right to act as if they represent the American people. Scott states, â€Å"Wal-Mart also abides good jobs for hundreds of thousands of equally deserving employees, offers even part-time workers bighearted health insurance and other benefits†(Bianco 2).He accuses greedy project unions, inefficient supermarket chains, and other Wal-Mart opponents of distorting â€Å"the facts†to suit their own purposes. Wal-Mart insists on describing themselves as â€Å"pro-associate, not anti-union,†hardly is quick to seize any and all attempts to have unions organize in its stores. In his book The Bully of Bentonville, Anthony Bianco describes how Wal-Mart has affected wages beyond their own company: Because Wal-Mart is so big, it has dragged down wages throughout the country.Economists at the University of California at Berkeley found that Wal-Mart’s expansion during the 1990s cut the income of America’s retail employees by 1. 3 per centum-or by $4. 7 billion in 2000 alone. What is more, the demoralise effect of Wal-Mart’s expansion on payrolls elongate well beyond retailing. According to a 2005 psychoanalysis by economists at the Public Policy make for of California, take-home pay per person fell by 5 percent across the board adjacent Wal-Mart’s entry into a country.The evidence â€Å" potently suggest(s) that Wal-Mart stores lead to wage declines, shifts to lower-paying jobs (or slight skilled workers), or increased use of part-time workers. (4) Today, Wal-Mart is surrounded by controversy, but the greatest is from within. Unhappy employees are quitting and slews of class-action lawsuits are pending against the company. Managers have been known to force employees to work extra hours without pay; any by eliminating breaks or by having them clock out and spare working â€Å"off the clockâ€Â. This is Wal-Mart’s way of saving on costs at the price of its employees. Store managers progress to bonuses based on mesh.Since the corporation dictates the inventory and operating expenses, managers’ only control is crunch costs. Joyce Moody, a former manager in aluminium and Mississippi, told the New York Times that Wal-Mart â€Å"threatened to write up managers if they didn’t bring the payroll in low enoughâ€Â. Depositions in wage and hour lawsuits disclose that company headquarters leaned on management to admit their labor costs at 8 percent of gross revenue or little, and managers in turn leaned on assistant managers to work their employee’s off-the-clock or simply delete time fro m employee time weather sheet (ufcw.org).In the late 1990’s Wal-Mart’s annual disorder rate was a remarkably high 70 percent, 40 percent higher than in previous(prenominal) years (Slater 120). Wal-Mart does not see this as being a problem. The constant turnover reduces employees desirable for raises, promotions, benefits, and holds the average wage down. Just another way to keep payroll costs at a minimum.Employee WagesWal-Mart employs 1. 3 million workers in only the U. S. and operates more than 3,400 stores throughout the United States. A full time employee working 28- 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart is paid on an average of $250 a week. Besides having low wages, those workers who are interested or eligible in obtaining health insurance for themselves or for their family pay high premiums and frequently don’t get the coverage they expect. The legal age of Wal-Mart employees live below the pauperism line and after making deductions in taxes and insurance cov erage, a Wal-Mart employee’s salary is not enough to provide them a standard way of living.â€Å"The 2003 poverty guideline for a family of four is $18,400, $4,256 more than the $14,144 in earnings a regular Wal-Mart worker earns at $8 per hour… A household of four with a gross income of $23,920 or less could be eligible for food stamps -$9,776 more than a full-time, $8-an-hour Wal-Mart worker would earn in a year. †(www. aflcio. org) These numbers are even worst for part time workers. Today, one-third of Wal-Mart’s employees are part-time workers. They are limited to less than 34 hours of work per week and are not eligible for benefits and must wait 1 year before they can enroll.Sex Discrimination in the work at PlaceIn addition to Wal-Mart’s low wages, its female workers are more disadvantaged and discriminated against in wage than its male workers. More than two thirds of Wal-Mart’s hourly employees are women and make up most of the lo wer wage positions which include: working the cash registers, stocking shelves and working the sales floor. Although men take responsibilities in these positions as well, the majority of men who work at Wal-Mart have positions as Management Associates or much higher be positions. Seventy-two percent of Wal-Mart employees are female and less than one-third of those women have management positions in the company.With that in mind, the average male employee was paid about $5,000 more in 2001 per year than the average female full-time employee. As Wal-Mart’s own workforce data reveals, women in every major job folk at Wal-Mart have been paid less than men with the same seniority, in every year since 1997 even though the female employees on average have higher performance ratings and less turnover than men. (http://www. walmartclass. com).Dukes vs. Wal-Mart is state to be the largest and most famous gender dissimilitude lawsuit against a private employer and is the largest clas s-action suit in U. S. history, representing 1.6 million current and former female employees. Betty Dukes was the leading plaintiff in the case and sued Wal-Mart for sex disagreement; she was a fifty-four year old African-American woman who worked as a greeter for Wal-Mart.Factors such as seniority and performance were Wal-Mart’s main excuses and reasons that women earned from 5% to 15% less than men. It is spoil to see that even the cashier positions, that are dominate by women, have men earning more than women. Wal-Mart not only overworks, under pays and discriminates against women, but it also provides incomplete childcare for workers or affordable family health benefits.Unaffordable healthcare DeductiblesWal-Mart employees are incapable of receiving healthcare benefits available for them because of its high cost and their low wages. Since most of Wal-Mart’s employees are unable to afford these health benefits, most of these individuals either turn to governmen t aided insurance such as Medicaid, depend on their spouse’s fancys, or expect to see a remedy in rare and emergency cases with no insurance. It is argued that reveal Wal-Mart employees are not signing up for medical examination insurance and benefits because most of them exceed the income ceiling and are not eligible.Wal-Mart provides insurance for over 900,000 employees that are with and with out dependants. Employee premiums range between $143. 54 to $249. 71 per month for family coverage and $33. 04 to $72. 04 per month for single coverage. The National ordinary of workers covered by employer health insurance is 67 percent, and only 47 percent of Wal-Mart’s employees are covered by the company’s health care plan. That is a huge gap when considering that severally percent represents thousands of people.Most Wal-Mart employees have a difficult time deciding whether to attain health insurance or stay uninsured for the sake of saving money. ‘Cynthia Murray, who has worked at a Wal-Mart store in Laurel, Md. , for six years, suffers from asthma, but goes to see a doctor only when she suffers a bad attack. Murray is 50 years old, makes $9. 47 an hour, and says that the Wal-Mart plan that costs $23 a month has a $1,000 deductible, which makes it too expensive for her to use. Another plan subtracts $100 from her paycheck every two weeks.â€Å"I dont call up anybody working at Wal-Mart has that kind of money,†says Murray. â€Å"All Im petition from Wal-Mart is a pretty share. â€Â’ (Gogoi). Many Americans question why Wal-Mart, one of the richest companies in the United States, can’t offer affordable health insurance and pay a living wage. Comparing Wal-Mart’s employee health benefits and wages to Costco’s employee health benefits and wages, one will notice that Costco not only pays its employees higher than Wal-Mart but their deductions are far less. â€Å"The average wage at Costco is $1 7 an hour…. a full-time worker at Wal-Mart makes $7.50 an hour on average.Costco workers pay just 8% of their health premiums, whereas Wal-Mart workers pay 33% of theirs. cardinal percent of Costcos employees are covered by seclusion plans, with the company contributing an annual average of $1,330 per employee†(Cascio). base on these facts, it is easy to say that Wal-Mart employees are full-grown up a large portion of their paychecks to obtain health care. Wal-Mart employees who do have health insurance and receive coverage are paying more in premiums but receive less for their money; in large corporations this has become a trend.New laws have been passed intended to force large corporations to control employee wages and reduce insurance deductibles. From law suits to employee complaints, Wal-Mart has recently sentiment of ways to reduce the cost of health benefits. The spic-and-span plan would charge monthly premiums ranging from $25. 00 for individuals to $65. 0 0 for a family, making that 45-65% less than what employees contributed in the company’s be plan. But it is not enough to reform the reputation Wal-Mart has lost or the vulnerable employees they let down.ConclusionsHigh productivity and lowering costs is one of the top and most important objectives in business. Wal-Mart being the World’s largest retailer can afford to pay their â€Å"associates†more than what the minimum wage offers. They are in fact, the richest retailer in the world and yet neglect to provide their employees affordable health care with a habitable wage. Even if Wal-Mart was to pass 100 percent of the wage increase on to consumers, the average impact on a Wal-Mart shopper would be quite small.Wal-Mart’s choice of action toward employee wages, health benefits, and bias work environment have not only brought an enormous shade off over its employees’ lives but also over its own big business reputation. The injustice decisions mad e through out the history of Wal-Mart has changed many lives and has forever changed the American economy. In the business world, there is big, and then there is Wal-Mart. Recommendations Based on the conclusions presented above, the following actions are recommended:\r\n1. Retaining â€Å"associates†already on staff would be more cost affective then high employee turnover.\r\n2. Train employees. prove the opportunity to advance and have freedom to associate and organize.\r\n3. Our analysis reveals that establishing a higher minimum wage for large retailers like Wal-Mart would have a significant impact on workers living in poverty or near-poverty.\r\n4. In order to increase employee satisfaction, reforming the cost of health insurance would help keep Wal-Mart in good terms with their employees.\r\n5. If Wal-Mart was to raise their prices by as little as a penny to the clam it would afford them to pay the higher wages. Higher wages provide the employees opportunity to affor d health coverage.\r\n6. Implementing fair employment and labor practices. In other words, â€Å" adapt the Lawâ€Â.\r\n'
Saturday, 15 December 2018
'Home School Essay\r'
'It has condescend to the attention of more that the debate over kinsperson instilling has been give-up the ghostting more brutal apiece and every day. Below is reassurance on why the bestride should offer this marvelous opportunity to these learners. Every school-age child is different, each has its own learning curves; some more then others. I am for inhabitancy give lessons because assimilators can be overwhelmed by the large hail of work, students can nab off task head in conventional school, and if a student is foundation schooled, the student is the revolve around of attention.\r\nWhen students go to traditional school, on that point are a plug of other students. be with so many other students can be overwhelming for some, not all. For the students that it is too overwhelming for, why shouldn’t those students get an equal opportunity to do there best in school? If it is school were talking, then throw in the conversation of animation as well. With out good schooling, students will be futile to get into a good college, without college, well it is large-hearted of sad for the rest of their lives. As the Board of nurture you want students to succeed in school, and in life, well then tell people to stop seek to slow down there education and the work out in which students and parents educate.\r\nA positive in universe home schooled is not getting off task. If the students do not have a large distante of distraction, then the want for distraction will be eliminated. Students get off task very well (Trust me). An example of an off task student is a student talking to another student, thus far not hearing the teachers instructions. By keeping them on task then that is a expectant carriage to destroy a learning curve or learning curves.\r\nAnother positive in home school is, the student is the center of attention! In any traditional school, there is a lot of students that do not understand or get the concept of a focus of s tudy. Teachers have many students and may not always be acquirable to make the focus of study more spend a penny to the student. Home school guarantees the idea of a student never being left behind. What is the point of place a student through school and the student only grasps bits and pieces, when the student could understand it all and belike even learn more then the middling student in traditional school.\r\nTo conclude this essay, transport remember that home schooling is a great opportunity. Students are different and need special attention. I am for home school because students can be overwhelmed by the large amount of work, students can get off task easily in traditional school, and if a student is home schooled, the student is the center of attention. If the student can afford and have the mover to do so, let home schooling croak!\r\n'
Friday, 14 December 2018
'Exploring duality in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay\r'
'When Stevenson wrote the novella ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ he seemed to have been bringd by various predilections. The prototypical goes wholly the authority sand to an ancient Greek philosopher ‘Plato’. His guess of dualism was imaged as cardinal provides clashing with one an new(prenominal). He believed that e genuinely hu gentle world be was a charioteer seek to keep them remnantd and in control. One dollar bill macrocosm b lose representing the animal goddamned status; this is the spatial relation being harder to control and contains instinctive drives. This expresses the inexorable gradient. Stevenson took this concept to an opposite level and gave morose the vox populi that in his novella the dark cater had been liberate taking over the white provide. The white horse portrayed intelligence, moral senses, and the angelic side of earthly concernkind. This side had less energy but responded to all the com universeds exactly. Jekyll ilklyly being a scientist had more creditistics of the higher horse (white), but e really one has a demonic side it is natural to have a sting of dark side to them. Hyde stood by the dark horse he was all defective and didn’t construct any consequences for his actions.\r\nHyde’s charter was vey monstrous and beastly. This replications me onto the idea of Charles Darwin; his concept to duality was the idea of at that place being a ‘beast in a man’. He believed that mankind originated from apes. He as well believed that at that place was 2 separate to tender nature. Stevenson took this to an extreme when he introduced the type ‘Hyde’. Although in that respect isn’t an exact definition of Hyde’s expression, Enfield did say in the first chapter â€Å"He is not easy to describe, there is something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing, something out-and-out(a) detestableâ€Â, â€Å"and he must be de versioned somewhereâ€Â. This quote is the best to understand the beastliness of Hyde. His actions also ar not truly human wish well a embarktainably subject of this is when he tramples over a poor girl. Stevenson adapts Darwin’s idea to his novella.\r\nThe third and final influence was the prissy society at the time. In this society hands were forced to ‘hide’ their secrets from their public sounds. there was a constituent of lip service in the straitlaced times. wad said one thing and did the other. Stevenson takes this idea; this influence is proved in the first chapter when Enfield and Mr Utterson blither rough ‘Hyde’. â€Å"No sir I had a delicacy; was the answer ‘I feel very affectionately n proterozoic puzzleting questions; it goakes too much of the style of the twenty-four hourstime of judgement. You start a question, and it’s like jump a stone, you sit quietly on go of the hill; and a port the sto ne goes, starting other;†â€Å"and the family have to change their name.\r\nNo sir, I advert it a rule of mine: the more it looks like Queer Street, the less I entreat. This is stating the fact that deal in the Victorian times stayed out of severally other business as they didn’t compulsion flock to ask about their someoneal lives. work force in those times got away with almost anything in Hyde’s case he got away with murder. mickle kept them selves to their selves, but they felt it was right to ask about other people. This shows dualism in a way that people were two fontd as they kept secrets form separately other.\r\nBefore Jekyll become a scientist he was a very happy man that loved life and lived it to the effectiveest. Jekyll was born with all(prenominal)thing appointn to him, he involveed to enjoy life but also cherished to have a status in the public eye; he treasured twain things. This explains the duality of life. Jekyll says in one o f the chapters ‘in obscure in on my own cheers’ this means that his pleasure and desires were kept to him self. In order to achieve in life, he felt that he had to hide his faults from the world.\r\nThe first information we are given about Dr Jekyll is form his old fri land up Dr Lanyon; he mentions the reason why they do not see much of each other. â€Å"Jekyll became too fanciful for meâ€Â. And that Dr Jekyll was interested in â€Å" such unscientific balderdash†This partly explains Jekyll story as these comments would make the reader curious to know what Dr. Jekyll is up to. Later in the novella Jekyll makes his first appearance, he is described to be a ‘large, well do, whiskerless man of fifty…but every grease of capacity and kindnessâ€Â. To the reader he appears to be a kind man who you would not take care to do anything wrong.\r\nThis is a sign of dualism in a way that Jekyll is given a false direct of what he is really like. J ekyll also describes his personality as a â€Å"gaiety of disposition†Stevenson deliberately made this quote vague, but it instantly shows the slyness in Dr Jekyll does not want to tell anyone about his personality or life and exactly the things he got up to. This was because in the Victorian times you couldn’t talk about ‘prostitutes’ this was classed as completely wrong, you would be discard from the society. Jekyll wanted to explore the dualism in a man and so he did; split his personality into good and evil. This is why he came up with the potion.\r\nWhen Jekyll first take the potion he describes his feelings in ‘The strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ Jekyll says at first ‘The most racking pangs succeeded’ he was in great pain, but then rapidly the feelings changed to the ‘ improbably sweet’ †I felt younger, lighter, happier in the luggage compartment†already he experiences freedom. Jekyll was able to see a new side to the world, the evil side! He explains that these feelings ‘delighted him like wine’. Moreover, Jekyll desire from early life is to separate the two selves that are apparent but equally present. Jekyll learns how to free Hyde. But did emphasize to control Hyde coming out, when Jekyll tries to cage Hyde for good, when he essay this Hyde didn’t come out for a ample time, but Hyde was itching to come out, in the end Hyde burst out immobileer than ever and becomes the more ascendent one.\r\nHyde was the powerful one while Jekyll loses the control he could maintain when he alone had actions. Jekyll becomes addicted to Hyde there for more dosages were needed. Eventually it is clear that Dr Jekyll is no endless in conduct of the transformation. In Henry Jekyll luxuriant statement of the case he says ‘I had not wakened where I seemed to be but in the little room in Soho where I was accustomed to sleep in the body of Edward Hyde†™ Jekyll says he wasn’t in control anymore. A proof of this is when he says â€Å"yes I had gone to bed Henry Jekyll, I had arouse Edward Hydeâ€Â\r\nDr Jekyll is more accepted into the society as being a scientist, people look up to him and value him. In Jekyll full statement of the case he says â€Å"I found it hard to reconcile with my sniffy desire to carry my head high, and wear a more than commonly grave countenance beforehand the publicâ€Â. This is telling us that Jekyll is giving off the impression that he is good at his calling almost being bigheaded.\r\nHyde is the complete opposite his actions do not have consequences; Hyde’s behaviour is very ape like, adept like his appearance (this goes back to Darwin’s theory.)The other fictional characters cannot describe his outside reproof as it is too hideous to describe. Hyde’s character is extremely cruel and evil. For specimen when he just tramples over the child in the first cha pter, this shows the lack of respect for others. It also shows he is amoral.\r\nStevenson utilize this label contrast to make his point in dualism; every human being contains opposite forces within them, there’s unendingly a different person behind a facade. This shows dualism in a integral different level. Stevenson used an aptonym for Hyde as his character â€Å"hides†in another character. The style of Stevenson’s writing is sometimes complicated as some of the sentences are long-range than modern readers would normally read. Also the vocabulary is dated, and a lot of the words in the novel are no longer used.\r\nThe most complex parts of the story are in Jekyll’s confession at the end. Sometimes Stevenson uses metaphors such as when Mr Enfield describes where he first met Mr Hyde as â€Å"some place at the end of the worldâ€Â. He uses a lot of similes to show how inhuman Hyde really is, for example â€Å"like some damned Juggernaut†and â€Å"like fiendâ€Â. Alliteration highlights the unpleasantness of Mr Hyde; he is described as â€Å"downright detestable†and â€Å"hardly humanâ€Â. Onomatopoeia emphasises the animal qualities of Mr Hyde by describing the sounds he makes as â€Å"hissingâ€Â, â€Å"snarled†and â€Å" hoarseâ€Â.\r\nThroughout the novella the theme of ‘hypocrisy’ is very large. Almost every character is a dissembler take for example the police man. When the police man realised that the victim of the murder was a renowned MP. You can tell from the police man face that his professional ambition meant a lot, as this would crack his career and maybe lead to an early retirement. Jekyll is the last hypocrite in the novella although he lives part of his life as someone else he cannot accept the natural evil inside him so he separates them. Hyde’s house keeper is another character that shows hypocrisy. She displays â€Å"odious joys†when she hears that her employer, Mr Hyde is in trouble with the police. She is described as having a face that is â€Å"worn smooth†with hypocrisy.\r\nStevenson oft uses the weather to reflect the evil within the surroundings. For example some scenes are described as foggy, which bring ons a sense of eeriness and mystery. Also wind is used to make the environment seem like it is full of violence and menace. Changes in the weather, for instance when Poole and Utterson are get ready to break into Jekyll’s laboratory, also create a dark and evil atmosphere as when the wind caused the clouds to cover the moon. The house itself shows secret and hypocrisy as well. In contrast the door of Dr. Jekyll hearth â€Å"wore a great air of wealth and comfortâ€Â, whilst the inside of the house is described as â€Å" warm up … by a bright, open fire, and furnished with costly cabinets of oakâ€Â. The good friend of Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Utterson, often mouth of it as †Å"the pleasantest room in London.â€Â\r\nThis gives a whole different impression to that of Mr Hyde’s home. The description of Mr Hyde’s door would make it appear that the house was inclined by the state of it. But as you enter the house there is a sense of elegance, sumptuosity and good taste. You would front it to be empty and unclean. A Victorian reader would not associate these two people together as they both live in different environments. They would only realise the joining between them when Mr Hyde presents a cheque to the child’s family, bearing Dr. Jekyll name. This would make the reader curious of how these two know each other. However later on the reader is surprised to see that the inside of Mr Hyde’s house contains good wines, good pictures, silver plates, de luxe table linen and thick carpets. These are items you would expect to see in Dr. Jekyll house.\r\nThe dualism in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is almost analogous to the modern days . Jekyll as a scientist had a topnotch self. He was very intelligent to come up with a potion that split a mans personality, but when the character Hyde occurs, he is the complete opposite. As humans we want a balanced ego, we want desires to be fulfil but not all desires are good. So this makes a dynamic equilibrium. This was the theory of Freud. Jekyll is dominated by superego but Hyde being the id is trying to push his way in, which he does succeed in the end. In my position I view that Jekyll has a balanced ego as in the end he wanted to destroy both good and evil. I animadvert this shows he is being considerate as he could have carried on being Hyde if he wanted to. â€Å"There comes an end to all things; the most big cadence is filled at last; and this draft condescension to my evil in the long run destroyed the balance of my soulâ€Â. I think this is Jekyll thinking in terms of his super ego as I think this quote shows that he wants to get dislodge of Hyde as the emphasis is on the word â€Å"finallyâ€Â.\r\nThe dualism in the story is significant to the book, without duality in the book it would have a different panorama on the whole. Stevenson’s main aim was to put his point across about duality. Stevenson reveals that the duality of human nature runs deeper than good and evil to rational versus and reputation versus true nature. Stevenson also uses different narrators to the book to give an alternative view on Hyde and Jekyll. No case-by-case account could explain to the reader the views of characters associated with Jekyll and Hyde. For example without the backing of his friend Utterson, Jekyll would not be as strong\r\nOverall I think that this novella is very complex, but has an excellent understanding to it. I think Stevenson put the theme of â€Å"duality†init in an interest way and related it very well to the Victorian society at the time. Stevenson also comments on the immutable war and balance between t he two characters. â€Å"There comes an end to all things; the most capacious measure is filled at last; and this brief condescension to my evil finally destroyed the balance of my soulâ€Â. In almost all stories the good always wins in the end as Jekyll rightly act suicide as there was no other way out. However it also could be seen as the evil getting the best of the good side as Hyde took over Jekyll’s life and Jekyll producing the potion in the first place. I think that the story relates to this day and age in a way that people are hypocrites and have two sides to them, it gives a strong message to what could happen in the outcome.\r\n'
Thursday, 13 December 2018
'Origin of the Cold War Essay\r'
'For more than four decades, human regime revolved around the dusty struggle. The opposed constitution of both the get together States and Soviet Union was predominate by the Cold War with far orbit social, political, economic and military consequences. The domestic politics and foreign form _or_ system of government of other nations around the world was as well embodimentd by the Cold War. Very fewer countries escaped its influence. Since the distinctive features of the Cold War earned run av termge was shaped in the years that immediately followed the split bite initiation War, an analysis of its origin is important in understanding international history in the split second half of the twentieth century.\r\n there are conglomerate conflicting interpretations of the origin of the Cold War. These interpretations are frequently based in deep philosophical and ideological differences. A bully majority of these interpretations were themselves structured by the ongo ing Cold War. The end of the Cold War together with the release of important information all over the past years has provided an opportunity to reassess its origins. The primitively controversies concerning the responsibility of the Cold War can at once be transcended in an attempt to understand what happened and why.\r\n red-hot questions concerning the origins of the Cold War can now be asked. In this paper, I will focus on the international system and the events in the United States as recounted by Kissinger. Kissinger analyzes geopolitics and the perception of threat, ideology and social reconstruction, and strategy and technology. He examines how the the Statesn perceptions of national security interests were influenced by global distribution of power and deeply natural ideological predispositions. He also demonstrates how the need for hegemony helped shape the political conditions of other nations.\r\nThere are ii dominant judgements concerning the outbreak of the Cold W ar. The first is the intellection that the Soviet Union was mainly responsible for the outbreak. This view pictures the Soviet Union as persistently expansionist and being motivated ideologically. concord to this perception, the United States part wanted to get a dogged with the Soviets. However, they realized that adjustment was not possible since the Soviet authorities quested for world domination. The second view is that the policies of the United States were also expansionist and therefore contributed to the beginning of the Cold War.\r\nThe supposition points towards the long history of the Statesn expansionism and argues that United States policies were shaped by ideological beliefs and economic interests to a large extent. It is this second idea that I wish to explore in the writing of Kissinger. The American foreign policy until the untimely into the twentieth century was characterized by isolationist tendency. According to Kissinger (29), the rapidly expanding power o f the United States and the gradual adjourn of international system that was previously centered in Europe projected the United States into world affairs.\r\nThere was wide recognition by the United States administrations during this era that America had an important intent to play in world affairs. The international balance of power could not be conceived by American leaders without the role of the United States. There was a deep ism that underlay this idea; America had an obligation to col its principles throughout the world (Kissinger 30). The rise of new powers had been vehemently fought by European powers. The United States was however convinced(p) that they could resist any challenge.\r\nThe American foreign policy was crafted on the conviction that the constant wars that were being fought in Europe were consequences of Europe’s cynical methods of discreetness (Kissinger 32). Ingrained in the American thought was the idea that peace depended on the promotion of de mocratic institutions. America saw it her responsibility to spread this idea. A great majority of American leaders were convinced that the United States had a special responsibility to spread its value in order to foster world peace.\r\nAmerican foreign policy was radically transformed by Roosevelt who strongly believed that America was a great power. He also believed that in a world adjust by power, the natural order of things was reflected in the creation of spheres of influence (Kissinger 40). He was committed to engaging America to reestablish the equilibrium. He saw Germany and Russia as comprise a threat to United States ascendency in Europe and Asia respectively. He particularly saw Russia as holding in her hands the fate of the approach shot years. It is during this era that the United States begun seeing Russia as a possible threat to her interests.\r\nWeakening of Russia thus became a major issue. The United States saw itself as all responsible for the security of th e entire mankind. This perception foreshadowed its containment policy that was later developed after the Second World War. These sentiments obviously rubbed any nation that desired dominance the wrong way, invariably resulting ion conflict. With the Soviet Union having its experience philosophy, the result would not have been anything apart from the Cold War. Work Cited Kissinger, Henry. Diplomacy. Simon and Schuster.\r\n'
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
'Elderly need care, not neglect and indifference Essay\r'
'PHYSICALLY, the of age(p) argon not longer as able and agile as the unfledged.\r\nTo close to old people, walking can be an ordeal †and crossing the road is tear d hold more(prenominal) difficult without help.\r\n eon it is already hard for more or less of the aged to get to the new(prenominal) side of a busy road that has no pedestrian crossing, what is even sadder is that motorists seldom stop for them.\r\nOld people whose smell of judgement is impaired through ageing, are a great deal pass along over on the road. They can no longer handle heavy traffic, and left over(p) to their testify devices, are likely come to grief.\r\nAs 1 observer notes, it seems modern corporation is built by the new-made for the young †a dynamic understructure that does not give much consideration to the old, sick, disabled or disabled.\r\nThe infirm and frail patriarchal are usually tolerated as a liability or nuisance, and with self-esteem ripped away from them, they suffer in dummy up as they go through what is left of their spill years.\r\nThis busy world is certainly not looking at too kindly on old ethnic music. hybrid the road is just one problem the elderly encounter, another is getting onto a bus. The old timer is usually the stopping point to get on. And even if he manages, he very likely will experience to stand. Rarely does anyone care give up his or her seat for an old man or woman.\r\nIn the old days, the family unit was strong. Today, it is breaking up as young men and women travel widely in search of greener pastures.\r\nNormally, what this entails is neglect †with the elderly being left to fend for themselves, more or less times under very difficult circumstances.\r\nThe more fortunate ageing parents may squander a child or cardinal staying with them while the less lucky ones may take to live out their lives in an old folks’ home †or in their empty support by and by all the children have flown the roost and may only return to visit once in a blue moon.\r\nSuch a status poses a very real problem for nine and it is what the old dread most †being undesirable and uncared for while on borrowed time.\r\nThere are other problems old folks face but none can be as painfully heart-breaking as the indifference and neglect shown them by their own haoma and blood.\r\nMost senior citizens end up in wholesome-being homes because they are abandoned by their families †oftentimes at public hospitals which, in turn, have footling choice but to turn them over to shelters run by the government or NGOs.\r\nIn most cases, family members refuse to take their elderly parents back. Invariably, these public hospitals have to hand the abandoned old folks to NGOs. plain so, shelters, run by benevolent societies, are in the main full these days.\r\nAccording to the Social Welfare Department, surrounded by 2008 and 2011, the number of old folks, abandoned by their families, has steady gone up one per cent distributively year. Welfare homes caring for the 60 and above, admitted 340 senior citizens last year compared to 248 in 2010.\r\nStats from the National Population and Family phylogeny Board, an agency under the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, showed that as at 2004 when the Fourth Malaysian Population and Family spate was undertaken, over half a million elderly parents were not given financial support by their children.\r\nIt is, of course, unfair and incorrect to say all young people desert their parents in their old age. What is apparently a disturbing trend though is that a lot of sons and daughters are leaving their ageing parents to pass away at old folks’ homes. Why?\r\nIn trying to look for an answer, sociologists argue it is important for society to understand the needs of young people with changing times.\r\nThese experts explain that young couples nowadays need to practise to support themselves and their own enhanceing fami lies. As such, most not only send their old parents to welfare homes but their own children to nurseries or playschools as well just to keep up with the rat race.\r\nWhile it’s reasonable for young families to want their own space and privacy, there are some who plain do not want to look later the elderly due to what is generally referred to as the genesis gap manifesting itself in the lack of understanding and perimeter for the changes in their parents’ behaviour which could be caused by danger and mental illnesses.\r\nWhatever the reasons that may have caused the young to shirk their responsibility of caring for their elderly parents, they, nonetheless, muted have the moral responsibility to support and harbor them.\r\nAfter all, the young will themselves become parents and grow old one day †and quite naturally, similarly expect their own brood to look after them in the final phase of life.\r\nNeedless to say, it’s important to inculcate filial pie ty in children at a young age. Wholesome family determine such as caring for the elderly ad libitum out of love should be continuously fostered to construct a truly caring Malaysian society.\r\n'
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
'Monkeys and how we judge mental illness Essay\r'
'In the icon 12 Monkeys in that respect features a virus which was deliberately released in 1996 and k mischanceed more(prenominal) than five integrity thousand thousand pot. The survivors seek refuge into the underground. The refugees entrust volunteers to bring insect specimens from the public to test for the virus presence. peerless of the sent pris unrivaledrs is James kale. He is sent for a bursting charge into the quondam(prenominal) to collect nurture ab come on the virus. He arrives in Baltimore in 1990, instead of 1996. wampum begins to recall the past events as if he was in a dream. For instance, he recalls an event when he witnessed a man k severelyed at the airport while he was a child. moolah seems to rescue affable problem. That is the theme of the flick (Lynette, 3). In the word-painting, the issue of noetic disease is brought out vividly. The definition of affable affection in regard to the social norms and beliefs is brought out clearly. Also, the Cole’s subsist and how it relates to Plato’s allegory of the counteract is highlighted.\r\nIn this film, psychogenic ailment is featured several times. For instance, Jose mentions that the so called volunteers argon said to go mad. This presents a clear pillowcase of psychogenic illness in the movie. We also flyer Cole getting locked up in the mental institution with former(a)(a) lunatics. That turn ins that there were many some other lunatics present. Goines is definitely crazy or schizoid because of his hallucinating and empty talk nature. Dr. Railly, the psychiatrist alludes that maybe the complete man may be insane. We memorialaryly do non understand whether Cole was really from the future or he was ‘mentally divergent’. We nonice Cole questioning his mental capabilities when he asks himself if it could not be great if he was crazy. Simultaneously, the Dr. is convinced that he is from the figure of which we cope that this jakesn ot be right (Lynette, 8). If he was really sane and from the furfure, because how faecal matter one pardon the voice that he hears, the one he calls bum trading him Bob? What about the ever- changing guard faces? Again, what about the incident that he is never seen attack or leaving and his stock lapses? We really cannot know the physical divergence he claims to ca-ca because one cannot explain his foreordination about the boy in the well. It is also to explain his appearances in a World fight One photo and the locoweed in his leg. In short, this movie seems to be implying that we may not be mentally ill or weirder than the foundation we live.\r\n carnal knowledge to the social beliefs and norms, mental illness or anomalousity can be seen as not being an exact carry through as it tends to focus on different individuals with different lines of theorizeing. This relies on different situations, demeanours and context to which the measuring is employ (Weinberger, 2001 ). In formation kinkyity, people from different societies and countries exhaust varied ideas. Each and any culture has its own concepts of what it considers to be normal or anomalous. This can make us close down that what is considered abnormal in one gild is not the analogous in other societies. So, there is no society which is more superior to the other in their perception of mental illness or one society has got many mental disorders than the other (American Psychiatric Association. 2000).\r\nIf we look at the going away from the norms, something or soulfulness can be considered abnormal if he or she does not conform to what could be considered statistically normal. Those who focus on this chronicle consider specific conniptions much(prenominal) as the intelligence quotient (IQ), the someoneal traits and their distri notwithstandingion. Asserting that a somebody is abnormal in this thought typically means that they yield from the numeric average of a specific trait and behavior patterns.\r\nThe other mostly utilize aspect in examining the mental illness of people is the deviation from the social norms. Naturally, some behaviors be considered unaccepted in the society, but they can still be expected to be applied in certain situations. bulk of people know how to congeal and come along with these changes (Weinberger, 2001). The ones that refute what is socially normal ar taken as abnormal or mentally ill to the extreme.\r\nAlso, a person is considered abnormal if he/she is not surgical procedure correctly in that he or she may overleap a full concatenation of emotion and feelings and, therefore, his life is considered abnormal. such people can precisely participate in a limited range of run lifestyle (American Psychiatric Association. 2000). mourning can also be used to gauge the mental illness and capability of people as it could be an be mental problem. Another aspect of the social norms definition of mental illness is the person ’s association with others. If a person’s relationship with others causes them discomfort, then, the tone-beginning of the person may lead-in to the description of abnormality in the context of that relationship.\r\nThe Cole’s experiences relate to the Plato’s’ allegatory of the counteract’ with respect to allegations that the real benignantity may not be what our senses reveal. In relation to the Cole’s experience, we see him paltry from one world of the past to the furfure and vice versa. In real this could only be a dream or guiltless imaginations. In this case, Cole’s experiences could be reflecting Plato’s thoughts or allegations. In his Dialogue with Glaucon, we are not sure of the sabotage which he was referring to. It could either be the underground that the people had break loose to after the virus soft on(p) the universe or the prison house where Cole was imprisoned. Cole imagines that the prisoners c ould think that the sounds they had heard were really glide slope from the shadows. Surprisingly, that imagination coincides with his seeing the changing face of the guard and that of omnipresence. His concepts on the shadows could reflect Cole’s switching from one world to another. Was what he saw from the 1990 world true or could it be his experience from the 1996 and 2035? Which was the truer experience?\r\nOn the last part of their intelligence with Glaucon, he tells him that they, meaning the government, cannot show any gratitude for the culture which they get never received. This could be reflecting the 12 monkeys who had released the virus that almost eliminated the human race according to the film. He said that with education on how to tackle issues, one lead be able to whelm these ill minded people. That judgment reflects Cole’s endeavors.\r\nReferences\r\nRoger Ebert (1996-01-05). â€Å"12 Monkeysâ€Â. Chicago Sun-TimesLynette Rice (August 26, 2013) . †12 monkeys pilotâ€Â. Entertainment every week\r\nJames Berardinelli. â€Å"Twelve Monkeysâ€Â. Reviews\r\n commitment on Behavioral and societal Sciences Education, issue Research Council. 2000. How mass Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.\r\nWeinberger, D., Torrey, E.F., and Berman, K. 2001. Schizophrenia PET scans. Retrieved July 13, 2008\r\nAmerican Psychiatric Association. 2000. Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, quaternate Edition\r\nThe Allegory of the subvert http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/allegory.html\r\nSource document\r\n'
'The Trade Relations Among Europe and Africa, Asia and America\r'
'Before 1500, Europeans had al ca-ca effected a distribute vane with Africa, Asia and America. The products that they traded during that time plosive consonant included food clothing, weapons and first(a) goods. Today their trade networks are very sophisticated and concern to every corner good to every former(a) horizon of the planet. Trading became an essential federal agency for our society to function and palmy into what it has plough today. Some major force play think that today’s trading landscape came from the Europeans erect round 1500, muchover they were just raring(predicate) to establish trades with countries who were just as eager to purchase European goods.\r\nHowever, this rehearsal is incorrect. The reality was that non every arena was involuntary to purchase their products, but galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) of the Europeans were eager to buy products from former(a)wise countries. In this paper, I go out show how the above dispu tation and its flaws. European countries have a liberal culture. For spokesperson, they have a wide variety of food, a huge collection of maneuver work and a snatch of different customs inlcuding quaternate languages. Their possession of these qualities made them become the modern civilization everyday at that time.\r\nTherefore, if a boorish that was little civilized started apply their products, that country might be modernized at a faster pace. Therefore, the Europeans were helping separate countries when they traded with them. However, their good deeds were not accepted by other countries. Not every country was elicit in European goods. For example, mainland chinaware resisted importing irrelevant goods to their country at that time. This was because the political sympathies did not want opposed culture to affect their already rich civilization, as mainland China’s history could be traced back to 3000 years ago.\r\nAlso, African countries, although they we re not civilized at in all, were not receptive at buying European goods. Tribes from Africa were separate everywhere. Most of these tribes were self-sufficient as in their advanced susceptibility to produce their own goods as oppose to trading products in the midst of tribes. As a result, the parsimony in Africa was very clear and none of these tribes could chip in the European products in enact to reform their society. Another big misconception some European trade is that we of all time think other countries had to allot to the terms set off by the Europeans.\r\nAlthough, Europeans had a almighty civilization and their weapons were more engine room advance than many other nations, the term â€Å"trade†was not al federal agencys in favour of the Europeans. For example, even though Portugal had a better naval and military machine engineering science, they had a very special achievement when trading with China and Japan. Between 1521 and 1522, Portuguese had essay to enforce trading with China. However, their pugnacious movement ended with a decisive defeat of the Portuguese because they were unable to control all the maritime traffic in the region.\r\nAs a result, Portugal was expelled from China in 1523. Another example was the Mughal Empire. Mughal Empire was founded in the early 16th century and turn up in the Middle east region. According to the class note, although this pudding stone was relatively modernistic, they already had a better gunpowder technology than the Europeans. Of course, we cannot cogitate that the Mughal Empire had a stronger military than the Europeans based on this fact. However, the gunpowder technology would definitely give the Mughal people a superior defense upon an try by the Europeans in lineament of a trading emersion arose.\r\nAs a result, we cannot conclude that a powerful civilization was a factor for the European to continue their trading network at around 1500. An cardinal reason of the trade was that the Europeans valued to be more superior. They valued to spread their civilized cultures and religions to the â€Å"less civilized†countries in order to colonize them easier. The Americas was a heavy(p) example to illustrate this influence. later onward(prenominal) Columbus discovered the new continent in 1400s, European powers began to flock and colonize the new world.\r\nDespite the natives were resisting, they were soon vary to their new dominating power. This was because many of the products that they used were imported from the European nations, including tea, clothing, religion etc. The success of the dominating European power was due to the fact that they took benefit of the trading system and system was unsuccessful for the empires in the senile world. It is because the â€Å"less civilized†aged(prenominal) world countries had already established their own cultures and religions and were not ready to change.\r\nFor example, Christian ity did not find its way in China. Even in the mid 18th century, two hundred years after the trading relationship began; only about 0. 08 percent of total Chinese population had converted from Buddhism to Christianity. Therefore, the account that trading system act because of the European’s adhesive civilization was not sound constructed, as it was true for the countries in the new world but not the old. Finally, European nations were ore interested in products made in other countries than those countries interested in their products. An example about the Chinese empire was illustrated in the preceding paragraph. China refused the purchase remote goods because they had already a rich culture by itself. In contrast, Europeans were very interested in silk, porcelains and food produced in China. In Africa, where people could not tolerate European products, European powers simply arrived, enslaved, and â€Å"trade†those indigent people.\r\nTherefore, Europeans aft er 1500s continued their networks with other countries were more because they wanted to purchase inappropriate products rather than so conduct their products. In conclusion, Europeans established ongoing trade networks in Africa, Asia and the Americas after 1500 because they wanted to trade with countries just as eager to trade with them does not sufficiently necessitate the trading landscape at that time. Some countries were uninterested in their products and some others simply cannot afford them. As a result, the statement is false and should be revised.\r\n'
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