Friday, 1 February 2019

Congress Essay -- essays research papers

There is a definite need for recounting in the unify States. It serves many rolessuch as making justices, implementing national policy and ceremony over the other two stagees of government. These be just a some of the duties of our U.S. intercourse. Although they be essential to our government, there are potential bothers. People arenot unceasingly satisfied with the length of time involved in passing a right as well as the tie-up intercourse can experience on an issue. Another potential problem commonwealth see withCongress is representation. Not all Americans feel that they are equally represented.The Congress of the United States is viewed by many as the largest branch ingovernment. Some people might even say it is the around important. This is due to theroles Congress pays in our government. Congress is responsible for the lawmaking in our republic as well as implementing national policy. The power to reap laws was given toCongress by our forefathers when they c onstructed our constitution. Passing laws is veryimportant to our country because without them we would be living in chaos. Of course,all our laws are not stark(a) but for the most part our Congress does a good parentage at keepingthis country under control. The problems with lawmaking that most people see is the timeinvolved in getting a law passed. In order for a bill to become a law it must first beintroduced to the House or Senate, or both, hence referred to a committee. This can be avery time overpowering fulfil. Any maven interested in having a law passed must realize theprocess involved and be patient. In addition to lawmaking Congress is alike involved inpassing amendments. Our nation has been able to grow and strengthen due to theamendment process. In order for our government to keep up with the changing times it iscrucial that we suck adjustments to the constitution. The downfall is that theamendments passed have not ceaselessly kept up with changing times. Argum ents againstCongress would be that they taken to persistent in enforcing the amendments. The U.S. Congress must also implement national policy. The Congress mustregulate commerce in order to create a prosperous economy. It is up to Congress tomonitor the growth of the economy and be ready to act if necessary. Congress has thepower to implement monetary policy in which they decrease taxes to induce spendingduring a slow econo... ... one-half the nations population are women, but the102nd Congress had only thirty one women members. In addition, our nation is made upof mostly blue collared workers, withal the most predominant occupation of Congressmembers are lawyers. With this in header the Congress must strive to understand andrepresent the needs of the people. Congress cannot ignore the disadvantage groups thatfeel unrepresented in the system. Until the enactment of Medicare in 1965, Congressdeclined to pass health care legislation for the elderly.There will always be people for and people against any branch in government. The modestness being, government is not perfect, nor are the people who run it. Laws take time tocreate and policies take time to be implemented. You cannot deny the fact that disregardlessof the time involved these procedures are a major and necessary step. oer all Congressdoes a good job with the roles and duties it is given. When it comes to representation, thevote lies in our hands. We have the power to vote for who we want to represent us. Wecan make a difference if we get involved in electing those who share the same ideas of thepeople to make us a come apart a better nation.

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