Wednesday 13 June 2012

Academic papers on songs of abuse

In many instances, teachers and lectures give their students papers which at first seem easy but upon beginning to write the assignment, the students discover that the assignments are not as easy as they had previously assumed. Good examples of such paper that may appear easy to write about at first but prove complex later are academic papers on songs of abuse. The thing that makes such papers difficult is the lack of ideas.

A student might begin the essay very well buy somewhere in the middle run out of ideas and get stuck. This is when panic begins and if the student does not know what to do next, failure might just be looming around the corner. You however do not need to worry about being caught up in such a situation because this website is here just for you and to offer you any kind of essay help, even those which you had begun and got stuck somewhere before completing the essay.

An example of such an essay is illustrated below: According to recent research, songs with abusive lyrics have been proven to increase aggression related emotions and thoughts. These feelings are usually directly related to the very lyrics of the violent and abusive songs. In a series of five experiments carried out on about 500 college students, researchers from the University of Iowa carried out experiments with the main objective of determining how the lyrics of violent and abusive music affected the students.

The study involved the use of about eight songs classified as violent and eight songs that fall into the non-violent category. The experiment also entailed the participants being asked to give a description of words that they perceive as having aggressive and non-aggressive meanings. In order to control the factors that are unrelated to the content of the lyrics, the violent and non-violent songs were performed by the same artists and in the same musical style in three of the experiments carried out. In the two other experiments, the research entailed carrying out of tests to determine arousal properties of the songs to ensure that the effects of violent lyrics did not occur due to differences in arousal levels.

Also, the differences in individual personality levels in relation to hostility was taken into consideration, assessed and controlled. The study also entailed songs that have humorous lyrics so as to determine the relationship between humor, violent lyrics and aggressive thoughts. After the analysis of the several tests, the conclusion of the study was that the content of the music that one listens to matters. If one listens to songs of abuse, the songs may aggravate the individual to behave in a violent manner.

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