Wednesday 5 September 2012

Impartiality Essay Example

Impartiality Essay

“…Due impartiality Lies at the heart on the BBC. All programs and services needs to be open minded, fair and show a respect for truth… The BBC applies due impartiality to all its broadcasting and services, both to domestic and international audiences…”
From “The BBC’s Charter”

Impartiality is really important for everybody, especially for reporters. Practically, everybody aims to attain impartiality but only a few can do this. During the philosophical thing of view impartiality is often a dualistic thought and it is not usually and not by everybody perceived as something positive. Over a 1 hand, impartiality is excellent because, for example, it provides for your audience an objective representation of this or that event or also it gives a possibility to regard the exact same dilemma from numerous standpoints. On the other hand, impartiality could be negative, for example, a serial killer, who is truly seriously ill, may choose his victims between people who are one of the most resembling to his common celebrity. His choice may be quite impartial because he may well select his victims taking into account to what extent their occupation, appearance, habits, etc. are around those people from the celebrity but this sort of impartiality has absolutely nothing in popular having a desirable moral impartiality. Nonetheless, men and women representing numerous occupations need to avoid such extreme but nonetheless I strongly believe that impartiality is needed for journalists, reporters or presenters in order to give an objective highlighting of events or discussion of some ideas or problems.

Actually, you can find a lot of causes which explain the necessity of becoming impartial but it is not so easy to realize this kind of intentions. In terms of example I would analyze the case with one of the most broadly spread broadcasting firms – the BBC. It's a quite authoritative company but it also couldn’t be objective one hundred percent. Moreover, specialists region how the BBC is really subjective in some questions that's proved by recent researches. These researches revealed the truth that inside the coverage on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the company’s reporters have a tendency to pro-Palestinian position that, without having any doubt, don't permit to receive objective and real, in broader sense of this word, data on the conflict, its roots and probably solution. It becomes specifically obvious after we compare the reports about actions of coalition troops in Iraq and Israeli army, which, actually, deal with similar problems, that make consider a type of discrimination of Israel in the part from the BBC. By the way, numerous experts look at the highlighting of Iraqi war by some British and American mass media as partial and not objective.

Nowadays, it's evident that TV and other mass media can be a really convenient mean of propaganda or at least marketing of certain ideas and views. The latter need to be avoided by all ways if we need to sustain a democratic society. Consequently, reporters or presenters need to strive for impartiality if we want to develop being a very democratic society. That is why, I am going to produce some conceptual ideas about what should be done to offer the audience for impartial reports and TV programs (though I don’t know to what extent these ideas are going to be impartial). Firstly, it is required to underline that all programs or reports of various genres must represent as wide range of ideas and opinions as possible. In other words, impartiality need to turn out to be the basis of any broadcasting business or any other mass media regardless the problems it deals with because, almost always, you can find at least 2 views on a single and also the exact same problem or event and all of them should be presented by reporters. That is certainly why I think that it would be better if reporters or presenters didn’t express their own opinion on modern day affairs whether international or national.

Then, factual programs might concern any difficulty and they are able to select any subject to explore. Moreover, I believe that they may present arguments of 1 side but only on a condition that it will remain fair and impartial that could possibly be provided by non-discriminating or misleading of opposing views and opinions. Anyway, any procedure need to have a tendency towards presentation of all views either in this incredibly method or in some link programs what the audience ought to be informed about. The same could be mentioned about series of programs that needs to be either accompanied by a follow-up discussion program or it need to be well planned and offer a wide spectrum of views and opinions through out the series.

As for ones news programs, I think their impartiality is of paramount value due to the fact they inform people and the way they do this will often define the public opinion about a variety of events and affairs from the society as well as the world. Consequently, any very own views of presenters should be surely forbidden, specially on all controversial moments of public affairs. They need to just offer info and fact as they are without any emotional and subjective impacts. Also we shouldn’t forget about all other programs and reports for which the demand of impartiality remains sustained.

Finally, I desire to say that for me, in person, the concept of a very good reporter, TV method or company, as well as newspaper, will usually associate with impartiality. Certainly, it is done only if mass media are independent from any political or financial power. Otherwise, it is going to be impossible to understand the primary democratic principles of freedom of speech that, in its turn, will make mass media a mean for achieving aims of different political or financial groups. Thus, impartiality must be the cornerstone of the ideology of all forms of mass media firms in addition to it must be a moral norm of any reporter who is really a extremely self-respecting professional whose aim is to give individuals objective presentation not merely of modern affairs but also of any event, notion or viewpoint that appears during the world regardless national, religious, or any other aspects, and his own opinion. But, at the same time, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he hasn’t got the correct to express his individual views. He might do it if it doesn’t contradict to the principles of impartiality and objectivity and if it permits the audience to type its unique viewpoint on a problem.

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