Friday 21 August 2020

Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Guardians and family members, siblings and sisters, personnel and organization, all of you have come here today to see the 2006 Johnson High School graduating class. Much obliged to you for your participation. You have been there for us and will be there for us later on. Much thanks to you. Individual schoolmates, we have shown up! The class of 2006 is graduating. We began as meager green beans and have developed into the leaders of Johnson High as seniors. We have suffered to such an extent. There were the pinnacles and valleys, the ups and the downs, yet the classes proceeded and we continued joining in. There was torment, desolation, shock, new area guidelines, disaster, annihilation and disappointment. These have taken their tolls and there were setbacks. We began with 550 or more as green beans and are down to around 200 as seniors. Be that as it may, with all the changes, one stands apart the most. No, it isn't the Culminating Exhibition. It is the shocking gas costs. At the point when we were green beans, the gas costs arrived at a low 90 pennies a gallon!!! Obviously, we were first year recruits and not driving yet. Be that as it may, since we are seniors, we need to drive all over the place. We drive to work, to class, to spend time with our companions and even to EHS exercises. At that point we need to drive back! Since we are driving so a lot, the gas costs are $1.50 a gallon. I state it is a trick. First the insightful paper, at that point the CE venture lastly the gas costs. That's the last straw, individuals. Be that as it may, I do see a splendid future for our group. I realize that at any rate a couple of us will return to Johnson High and instruct. However, a considerable lot of us will become effective representatives and ladies, making the immense fortunes. We'll in all probability have a couple congressmen and potentially another incredible representative. I was not brought into the world a Seagull like the vast majority of you were. I was from the start a Bulldog, at that point a Scottie. I thought I would have been a Kamiakin Brave however I came to Johnson High to turn into a Seagull.

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